Cracks in Wall & How to Fix Them

Cracks in walls

Daily wear and tear, temperature fluctuations, and foundation settling of your home can eventually take their toll on the interior and exterior walls. Whether you live in a new or old house,裂縫可以開始出現在石膏,混凝土或幹牆上。這種裂縫是一隻眼睛,但取決於他們的嚴重程度,你並不總是需要稱之為專業人士來解決他們。首先確定的是重要的causesof these fissures before you start repairing them.

一旦你鍛煉了severity of the damage,有一些簡單的技巧,你將能夠repair the walls cracksin no time. But before you grab your toolkit, spend a few minutes reading this article to get a better insight into the causes of wall cracks and how to fix them.

Why Walls Crack

  • Contraction and expansion:the materials that make up your wall are susceptible to contraction and expansion due to temperature changes and humidity levels. These fluctuations can cause hairline cracks to appear.
  • Low-quality paint:隨著時間的推移,薄漆粘連可導致牆壁上的裂縫。即使它需要更多,您也應該僅使用最高質量的塗料。想一想;高質量的塗料現在可能會傷到您的口袋,但它可以節省您在牆壁上進行持續的修複工作。
  • Ground heave:具有淺粘土基礎的較大的家庭可以在天氣變化期間經曆擴張和收縮。如果粘土澆水,它可以向上推動基礎,從而導致牆壁裂縫。
  • Tree roots:trees that are too close to the property can cause ground movement and wall cracks.
  • Wall tie failure:金屬牆紮帶內置在腔體和固體牆壁中以保持石膏或磚砌。當紮帶生鏽時,牆壁可以破裂。
  • 軸承不足:牆壁開口上方水平木材,混凝土,石材或鋼板支撐的正確軸承應在每側約6英寸。如果這些軸承不足,水平支撐件將下降並導致壁裂紋。

Other reasons include:

  • Wooden frames warping or shrinking
  • 超截止的天花板托梁
  • Overloaded ceiling joists from too many storage boxes in the attic
  • Contaminated drywall mud

Larger cracks in the walls can be a sign ofsubs,這是一個需要重大補救作品的嚴重問題。當房子下麵的地麵開始崩潰時,就會發生。另一方麵,較小的裂縫很可能是由此引起的縮減由於溫度變化。一旦您確定了裂紋牆的原因,下一步就是確定它有多糟糕。

Assessing the Severity of Wall Cracks

Hairline or thin cracksthat are consistent in width are mainly due to some contraction and expansion in the foundation. Such fissures are not a cause for concern and can easily be fixed. But if you seemultiple cracks整個家中的牆壁,這可能是一個跡象foundation settling



Types of Wall Cracks

  • 水平裂縫:these are caused by insufficient use of building materials during construction. Consequently, the lack of adhesion between the wall joints causes the material to slide over.
  • Branch-like or hairline fissures:看起來像樹枝的發際裂縫是由水分或濕度引起的。這些是主要出現在臥室,地下室和廚房裏的最常見類型的牆裂縫類型。
  • Vertical cracks:這些類型的裂縫通常出現在牆壁中的關節之間。它們在牆體結構和地板之間形成。主要原因是利用低質量的建築材料。在更嚴重的裂縫的情況下,強化不足是責備。
  • 砌體牆壁的膨脹裂縫:當砌體牆體受水分和溫度變化的影響時,出現膨脹裂縫。最初,砌體可以在擴大和收縮之前遭受收縮。這種運動導致石牆中的膨脹裂縫。
  • Diagonal cracks:這些類型的裂縫是最嚴重的,因為它們可能會損害物業的整個結構。對角線裂縫是結構損壞的跡象,並且次要修複將不足以覆蓋它們。在這種情況下,您必須谘詢結構專家來評估裂縫。





Once the surface has been cleared up, sand it down to ensure it’s completely smooth. Insert finishing nails into the crack, spaced 10 inches apart. Apply some sealant on the base of the injection ports but make sure the nails stick out of the wall.

Next, use an epoxy filler to create a watertight seal in the crack. This filler comes in two parts, which you’ll need to mix prior to using. Mix equal parts in a container using a 1.5 inch-wide utility knife and apply small amounts to the crack. The epoxy mix should extend one inch on either side of the crack to completely cover it. You can use a paintbrush to smooth over the epoxy at the edges. Allow the mix to cure for 5 days then cut off the ports with a hacksaw.



由於混凝土牆是承重的,因此它們更容易受到裂縫的影響。雖然很容易固定混凝土牆壁中的小裂縫,但更深的裂縫是結構完整性差的跡象。為了確定結構損壞的程度,您必須評估對角線裂縫已有多長時間,以及它有多大。如果對角線裂縫的大小如此之大,您可以輕易地看到它,或者牆壁部分折疊,必須立即聯係結構測量師,因為整個建築的結構完整性麵臨風險。Diagonal cracks通常的跡象foundat更深的傷害ion so you’ll need a professional to determine the extent of the damage.

Hairline Cracks in Plaster Walls

Fix Hairline Cracks in Plaster Walls

在裂縫的情況下plaster walls如果你使用a,你將有更好的成功filler compound在用聯合化合物拍打裂縫之前。填充每個裂縫,直到它像牆一樣光滑。為了填充填料,請在用接合化合物覆蓋表麵之前,使用浸入水中的清潔填充刀沿裂縫管線運行。使用乳液塗料來完成工作。




Next, clean up the surface around the cracks and measure the area. Use a drywall saw or knife to cut a new piece to size. Allow an extra 25mm at the top and bottom and drill a hole in the middle of the new drywall piece. Place a nail inside the hole so that the long pointed end of the nail sticks outwards. Add drywall glue to the top and bottom sections and gently slide it into the hole. Make sure the glue bonds the drywall by pushing the nail through. The drywall is now ready to be covered with plaster or filler. When it’s fully dry, sand it down for a smooth finish. You can then paint the drywall the same color as the rest of the walls.

Vertical Cracks

Vertical Cracks

Unlike hairline cracks that can easily be filled with epoxy,vertical cracks應該謹慎對待。首先,最好谘詢結構測量師來分析裂縫的程度。密封裂紋壁的兩側,添加牆壁接頭或額外的加固以提供更好的支持。由於垂直裂縫是由結構或材料的缺陷引起的,因此大多數專業人員將推薦一些加強。例如,新的鋼柱將為牆壁提供更多的支撐,但這是不夠的。在家庭的基礎周圍開地,並為其添加更多鋼筋,以確保長期的結構穩定。

仍然擔心你牆上的難看的裂縫嗎?看這個深度視頻for tips and tricks on how to quickly fix wall cracks.

Cracks in Wall & How to Fix Them
