Crib Mattress Dimensions – What You Should Know

Crib Mattresses Dimensions

All parents want their babies to feel safe and comfortable while sleeping. For this reason, it is vital that you, as a parent, create a cozy nursery for your child. One of the most important pieces of furniture in a nursery is a crib mattress because your baby will be spending about 14 to 18 hours in the crib. As such, it is crucial that you pick the best crib mattress with the right dimensions. To help you choose the perfect product, here are some important details about a crib mattress.

What is a Crib Mattress?

A crib mattress is a small mattress specifically designed for a baby. Compared to an adult mattress, this type of mattress is firmer so that it can support the growth of your child. As of today, there are several types of crib mattresses, including the following:

Innerspring Mattress

The innerspring mattress has steel coils that make it sturdy and resilient. Additionally, there are different layers of cushioning materials, such as foam, cotton, and polyester, above the steel coils.

Keep in mind that the coil count of an innerspring mattress is vital. To be specific, a mattress with more coils can offer more support. Aside from that, some models of this crib mattress also have metal border rods that make the bed stable.

Innerspring mattresses can certainly offer support; however, this type of crib mattress is a bit expensive. Plus, they weigh more than their counterparts.

Foam Mattress

Foam Mattress

Foam mattresses are typically made with polyurethane. Additionally, this type of mattress is durable and durable. Best of all, foam mattresses have budget-friendly price tags.

When picking a foam crib mattress, it is best to opt for a resilient product. Aside from that, a mattress with a higher density is also recommended because it is firmer. As such, it can provide more support for your baby. Usually, mattresses with high density are heavier.



Double-sided mattresses have a firmer side and a softer side. The firmer side is great for an infant, while the softer side is ideal for a toddler. Because of this feature, this type of crib mattress is a great choice if your baby is more than a year old and he is about to transition to a toddler bed.



A standard-sized crib mattress is a good choice because it’s big and will not outgrow your child very quickly. Plus, it can also be a good choice for a toddle bed as well.

The standard size of a crib mattress in the US is27 1/4 inches x 51 1/4 inches. Additionally, it also has athickness of not more than 6 inches to avoid accidental falls.

To ensure that the standard-sized crib mattress will fit, you should opt for a crib with a dimension of28 inches x 52 inches. Always remember that the size of the crib mattress you’re going to buy should closely match the dimension of your crib.

Crib Mattresses FAQs

Crib Mattresses FAQs

Is a Crib Mattress the Same as a Twin?

No, a crib mattress is shorter and narrower than a twin mattress. Typically, a twin mattress has a standard size of 38 inches x 75 inches, which is bigger than a standard crib mattress. Remember, your baby will transition from a crib to a toddler bed, then a twin bed.

How Big is a Crib Quilt?

The usual size of a crib quilt is 36 inches x 50 inches and 30 inches x 46 inches. However, it is strongly advised to avoid using a crib quilt during infancy because quilts and pillows may suffocate your baby, especially if he is below a year old. Instead, you can use swaddles to keep your child warm at night.

Is a Toddler Bed the Same as a Crib Mattress?

No, a toddler bed is not similar to a crib mattress. However, a toddler bed has the same size as a crib mattress, which is 27 1/4 inches x 51 1/4 inches. So, if you buy a standard-sized crib mattress, you can use it in a toddler bed.

Should I Choose a Soft or Firm Mattress?

As mentioned, a firmer mattress is ideal for an infant because it can support their growth. Additionally, a mattress that is too soft can conform to your baby’s shape, which may result in suffocation.

How Do I Check the Firmness of a Mattress?

To check the firmness of a mattress, you can press the center of the mattress and its edges. The mattress should not conform to your hand’s shape, and it should immediately snap back to its original form.

When Should a Child be Out of a Crib?

In general, children with the age of 1.5 to three years old can move to a toddler bed. You can determine if your child is ready for a bigger bed if they start climbing out of his crib.

How to Clean a Crib Mattress?

You can clean a crib mattress with mild soap and a damp cloth. Generally, the product’s manual will contain specific procedures on how to clean your crib mattress effectively.

Is It Safe to Reuse a Crib Mattress?

Ideally, using a used crib mattress is not recommended for various reasons. For one, you are not entirely sure if the used mattress is clean. It is possible that it has spilled milk and diaper leaks that may cause microorganisms to grow in the mattress. Aside from that, you are also uncertain if the mattress is in good condition, especially when it comes to its firmness. For these reasons, it is best to opt for a brand new crib mattress than a used one.

How Much Does a Crib Mattress Cost?

嬰兒床床墊的價格將o而異n its type; however, a good quality mattress will have a price range of around $90 to $200. The price could be more you’re looking for additional features. For example, you want a mattress made with organic materials. Usually, you’ll spend more than $200 for this kind of crib mattress.
