Soaker Tub Dimensions and Guidelines (with Drawings)

Soaker Tub Dimensions


If you are thinking about investing in a soaker tub for your bathroom, then you’ll need to know about the dimensions in order to understand if it is going to fit into your space.

Fortunately, soaker tubs are available in a variety of dimensions, so if you have your heart set on thistype of tub,那麼你應該能夠在沒有太多麻煩的情況下找到一個合適的尺寸。


Soaker Tub Dimensions


The length of a soaker tub can vary greatly depending on the style and design. Compact soaker tubs can be as short as 54 inches in length, while soaker tubs that are intended to accommodate two users at once can be as long as 72 inches.

The average length of a standard bathtub is 60 inches,這是一個適用於浸泡浴缸的完全合適的尺寸,如果一個人將被一個人使用一次,假設它們是平均高度。

If you want to fit more than one person in the tub, then opt for the extra-long version at 72 inches. This is the equivalent of 6 feet and will make for a very spacious and luxurious experience if one person uses the soaker tub alone.



平均浴缸的標準寬度為32英寸,相當於2和半英尺。Soaker tubs are also widely available in this size, as the width measurement is not something that impacts the design of a soaker tub.

If you want a soaker bathtub that will accommodate two people at once, then you can opt for a wider tub for increased space and comfort.Extra-wide tubs are available in measurements as big as 42 inches across.如果您是一個更大的人,這將創建更多的嘻哈,或者它可以為您創造空間來移動。


The depth of a soaker tub is where the dimensions really start to differ compared to standard bathtubs. This is because the whole point of a soaker tub is that it is deeper and can hold a greater volume of water, giving the user a more immersive experience so that all of their body is covered with water.

Rather than create extra volume by increasing the length and width of the tub, soaker tubs have a greater depth to accommodate the extra water. This means there will be little to no impact on the layout of the bathroom because the length and width measurements of the tub can remain the same if needed.

Instead, the depth of the tub is increased so that the user will be lying in deeper water. An average tub will offer around 12 inches of water depth, which is the equivalent of 1 foot.

A soaker tub, in order to be defined as a soaker tub, will need to offer at least 14 inches of water depth, and typically they will actually be at least 16 inches deep or more.這將意味著所有的用戶身體都被水覆蓋,並給他們一個更類似於在水療中心而不是浴缸中的體驗。

Soaker Tub Volume Capacity

Soaker Tub Volume Capacity

A standard bathtub will hold around 80 gallons of water, while more compact bathtubs typically hold just half of this at 40 gallons.

Meanwhile, a soaker tub, on average, will be able to accommodate 150 gallons of water. This will create a much more luxurious experience for the user, but there are other things to consider besides this, such as the cost of the water used, the impact on the environment, and the time it takes to fill the tub.

Advantages of a Soaker Tub


The main reason most people invest in a soaker tub is that they enjoy the luxurious feel of being in a deep bathtub. If you have frequent baths for muscle pain or anxiety, then a soaker tub can really improve your experience and make your baths more worthwhile.



A soaker tub is generally deemed to offer a more relaxing experience than a standard bathtub, which might be beneficial to you if you struggle to relax or have a very chaotic lifestyle.


Not environmentally friendly



Takes longer to fill

Takes longer to fill



Soaker baths use more energy because the greater volume of water has to be heated, which will lead to increased energy costs.
