

Books have managed to remain relevant despite the spike in ebook sales over the years. The expression, “curl up on a sofa with a good book,” was made in resonance with real books. Some people still cherish the feel, texture, and weight of a book, thus explaining their continued pertinence. The publishing industry has been gravely disrupted by digital innovation with aspects such as ebooks and self-publishing. Nonetheless, some bookstores are still prevailing, and Amazon sells hardcovers and paperbacks by the numbers.


The size of the book is often regarded as the trim size. This is the measurement of the width and height of the book. Publishers follow different guidelines when selecting book sizes for their authors’ content. Ideally, different book genres have different word counts, but the trim size determines the number of words on each page, the wideness of the margins, and the spine of the book.

Mass Market Paperback Dimensions

Mass Market Paperback Dimensions

Often sized at 4.25 x 6.87 inches, these books are the most affordable in the lot, with low-medium quality papers that are not acid-free. What this means is that these papers are prone to smudging of ink and discoloration. In the early era of printing, these were the most commonly published books because back then, mass-market publishing was the norm. These “pocket” size books are very convenient and can fit in even the back pocket of your trousers, thus the coining of their name. Quantity trumps quality for these books as they are published to meet the demand of customers and are thus often sold at airports, grocery stores, and other retailers.

Trade Paperback Dimensions

Trade Paperback Dimensions

Coming in bigger than the former, these books are通常為5.5 x 8.5至6 x 9英寸大小的書籍並且通常在書店銷售,因此他們的名字“交易”。這些書籍坐在大眾市場平裝書和精裝書之間。他們擁有豐富的硬化魅力,省略了大眾市場平裝的低質量特質。這些書具有厚厚的紙,通常由膠水而不是針腳或釘書針固定。


Hardcover Books Dimensions

Hardcover Books Dimensions

這些書的價格最高measurements of 6 x 9 to 8.5 x 11 inches.大多數最暢銷的作者所做的是在這種質量和尺寸上打印他們的第一版,以保持耐用性隨著時間的推移,因此耐用性是這些書籍最值得稱道的方麵之一。前者傾向於在書架上留下長時間的磨損,但這些已經達到了時間的考驗,有些約會到了19世紀的約會。如果您正在開始,這些不是您的書籍,因為他們的打印成本太高而無法在沒有出版公司的支持下會麵。由於許多書籍的第一版在精裝中發表了壽命,因此大多數書籍收藏家都有價值的集合有一個艱辛。

Book Dimensions by Genres

Book Dimensions by Genres
Book Dimensions by Genres – Size Chart

Book genres usually fall into these measurements (inches);

  • Fiction books: 4.25 x 6.87, 5.25 x 8, 5.5 x 8.5, 6 x 9
  • 非小說書籍:5.5 x 8.5,6 x 9,7 x 10
  • Novellas:5 x 8
  • Children’s books: 7.5 x 7.5, 7 x 10, 10 x 8
  • Textbooks: 6 x 9, 7 x 10, 8.5 x 11
  • 回憶錄:5.25 x 8,5.5 x 8.5


Now that we have covered the standard book sizes, we’ll move to why these measurements matter. The last thing you need as a writer is getting the content right and getting everything wrong with your choice of book size.


Since page count is attributed by trim size, the smaller your trim size, the larger the page count. But this is also determined by the length of the manuscript. If you’re looking to save on printing costs, an analysis of these sizes will guide you on the most reasonable size for your budget. Again, this also comes down to word count.


How exactly do you want your book to be perceived? For impulsive book buyers, book covers draw them like a flame draws a moth. For instance, a memoir printed as a mass-market paperback is not reasonable because memoirs are often specific to a niche market, and part of their selling feature is the appearance of their book covers. With hardcover books, richness and visual appeal are often selling factors that stick out the most. Therefore, your desires of perception as a writer can easily be reflected in the choice of your book size.

Genres follow specific sizes


In conclusion, book sizes are important for any writer to grasp, and to ensure optimum delivery, you could start with sample books before reaching out to your POD partner for full-on production. If you are still stuck on the book sizes the best suit you, hire professional book production managers to guide your decision but also remember, genre attributes to book size in a major way, and it’s essential to produce beautiful books that your reader wants to not only read but own.
