9 Treehouse Color Ideas for a Homely Hideaway

9 Treehouse Color Ideas for a Homely Hideaway


如果您想要為您的樹屋獨特而有吸引力的外觀,請看看我們的treehouse color ideas,加上如何染色和塗上後院創作的提示。



A burst of color is a sure way of making your treehouse stand out in the backyard.Yellowis one of those energetic paint colors available in many shades.

This warm hue goes with lots of other color palettes so you can pick the lightest shade or the boldest yellow as you wish. We particularly like lemon, mustard and banana yellow as they are a fun color scheme.

Gray to Match the Roof

Gray to Match the Roof



Green to Blend with Nature

Green is a color closely associated with nature and available in various shades. This versatile color is a bold pairing with gray or brown roofs. A treehouse painted in olive or mint green, for example, is a great companion to light yellow trim and other exterior accents. This warm hue provides a stunning contrast to wood.


For a more vibrant paint option, why not pick a light shade of blue like sky blue, which goes with the image of a treehouse being up in the trees. This color makes an excellent exterior paint choice as it goes with most other secondary color schemes. In fact, any shade you pick for your wooden treehouse exterior will work.



As a clean and crisp color, white has to be the most popular hue for wooden exteriors. When it comes to painting a treehouse, you might want to pick白色的為了把樹房子放在聚光燈下。

This is the ultimate neutral hue that works perfectly with any other color. And since white pairs well with both bright and neutral colors, you can incorporate more than one shade into your exterior color scheme. The stark white paint serves as an accent backdrop just like in this example.



Light brown is another warm, earthy, nature-inspired paint color that highlights the wooden structure of your treehouse without taking away its neutral tone. This versatile color blends into the treetop as though the treehouse was always there. You may pick any brown stain or paint to show off your beautiful creation.

Rich Red

For an energetic and bright treehouse exterior, go for a rich, deep red hue to liven up your treetop creation. Cherry or ruby red look great on barn-style wooden exteriors.

For an even bolder choice, go for burgundy or maroon. These bold shades contrast well against other bright or neutral trim colors. You may also pair red with brown to further sharpen your chosen paint color.


一個超現代的樹屋exteri油漆顏色or is sleekblack。這種複雜的色調越來越受歡迎,因為它與許多其他中性和粗體的口音很好。





A treehouse with red or brown roof shingles can be treated with transparent stain to highlight the natural wood. This idea can lighten up the color scheme and keep the focus on the treehouse.


This is because unlike paint, stain isn’t permanent and it’s more likely to change in texture overtime. This aging process is due to exposure to elements, thus it’s advisable to opt for transparent stain finishes that are UV resistant and require less maintenance. If you must go for colorless stain, make sure you select high-quality and waterproof products.

If you’re not sure how to apply the stain or paint to your treehouse exterior, keep reading for useful tips…


Staining and painting a plain treehouse can transform it into a homely hideaway among the treetops. This is a project you can get your whole family involved with: from priming to painting. If your treehouse is a little old, you must first prepare its surface by cleaning, scraping and sanding it.


木質表麵必須清潔。它是不ver a good idea to stain the wood directly without preparing it correctly. Use a wood cleaning solution to loosen the dirt before scrubbing or pressure washing the surface in order to thoroughly remove the grime from within the wood fibers.Caution:too much water pressure can damage the wood so keep the pressure gauge low and don’t hold the nozzle too close to the wood.




Now that you’ve stained the treehouse, it’s time to paint it a color of your choice…



第2步:Stir the primer well and apply the first coat on all the wooden surfaces.

Step 3:Let the primer dry for at least 5 hours or as the manufacturer’s recommended time.

Step 4:一旦底漆在木質表麵上幹燥,就是時候畫樹屋。理想情況下,您應該申請兩種或三種外套以獲得最佳結果。從最輕的塗料顏色開始,等待塗料在塗上第二件外套之前塗料幹燥。重複,直到應用了所有塗料顏色。

Step 5:最終塗層可以在最後一層塗層施加到樹樁後24小時應用。


While there is no specific timeline to re-stain your treehouse, you should ideally treat the wooden surface once every three years in order to protect it from the elements.

Note, a maintenance coat is only required if your treehouse has outdoor walls and is exposed to adverse weather conditions. Re-staining the treehouse every few years will help keep it in tip top condition for decades so you and your children can enjoy this homely hideaway for many years to come.
